Complementary Benefits



Social Emergency Aid

They are individualized economic benefits, designed to alleviate extraordinary situations that may occur to people or family units and that must be attended to immediately (electricity bills, medicines, alternative accommodation, basic food, bus tickets for passers-by, among others).

Family financial aid

They are granted to families to attend to the basic needs of minors in their care when they lack sufficient financial resources to do so, in order to avoid the institutionalization of the minor and enable their integration into the family and social environment. They are intended to cover expenses for school supplies, clothing and footwear.

Red Cross Food Campaign

The City Council of Coín participates with the Red Cross as an Organization Associated with Distribution (OAR), authorized to distribute food from the European Food Guarantee Fund (FEGA), a program financed by the European Aid Fund for disadvantaged people.

Documentation for inclusion in the Red Cross Food Plan:

DNI, NIE or Passports of all members of the family unit.
Family Book.
Proof of employment status of all family members:
If you work, the last 3 payslips
If you are unemployed, employment demand card or positive or negative certificate of receiving financial aid or not from Social Security and the Andalusian Employment Service.
Housing rental contract or mortgage payment.
If you are separated or divorced, sentence or document that accredits it, as well as the economic perception for the children, if any.

Prevention Program "Coín against Drugs".

The Social Welfare Area has been carrying out the Cities against Drugs program since the year 2000. With the execution of this program, it is intended to achieve the following objectives:

-Reduce or alleviate the use and/or abuse of drugs, both legal and illegal, promoting the use of strategies aimed at suppressing or reducing the factors responsible for the initiation of drug use, as well as enhancing protective factors.

-Promote prevention programs aimed at families.

-To stimulate the implication and participation of the population in the construction of a healthier city, where no type of drugs is promoted.

COÍN ACTIVITIES AGAINST DRUGS (in collaboration with Camino para renacer)

1- Prevention of drug addictions and addictions in the family environment. Family School in the morning shift.

2- School for Families in night shift.

Urban Camp, Ludoteca and Summer School

Aimed at children between the ages of 3 and 12, during the month of July, from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., with the aim of reconciling work and family life.