A showcase of games and amenities from the 70s and 80s
Event dates
An original proposal by local collectors David Lozano Ortiz and Esperanza Moreno Ruiz opens the exhibition calendar of the Old Convent on Friday 16 February with a show full of nostalgia in the "Sala Claustro".

Its promoters offer the public a small part of their collections of games and objects that for many will allow them to relive times gone by, while for others it will be the perfect opportunity to discover the popular Cinexin, play Scalextric, listen to music of the time, see vinyls, dolls, books or magazines, among many other amenities of those golden years.

The opening will be on Friday 16th at 6pm.

Visiting hours: Monday to Friday from 10 am to 1.30 pm and from 5 pm to 8 pm. Old Convent of Santa María de la Encarnación, "Sala Claustro".

36.660717164409, -4.7596154664627