
Comunication cabinet

The Communication Office of the Hon. Coín City Council is in charge of managing, channeling and transmitting all municipal information and communication of interest to the citizens of Coín. In addition, it is the channel and link for the communication of the Consistory with the media. Want to contact us? These are our means of contact.

You can also follow us through social networks: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Follow us!


City app

city app

Coin City Hall. Information on local news, cultural and sports agenda, street map with geolocator, useful telephone numbers, bus schedule, notifications...

NEWS - All the news from each municipal council in a single click on your mobile, and you can also share the ones that interest you the most on social networks.


Local Futsal League 2022/23

*We remind you that the week of December 5 to 11 there is no league, motivated by the existing holidays in that week. Day 3 will take place in the week of December 12 to 16.


Reading Promotion Plan

The Department of Culture launched its first Reading Promotion Plan in 2008 with the aim of encouraging the reading habit among citizens. Since then, numerous initiatives have taken place, such as the library reading plan, workshops for children, youth and adults, bibliographic endowment, book presentations, the Oral Narrative Festival, the celebration of Book Day, Library and Reading in Andalusia... among many others.

If you want to be aware of the reading schedule, visit the social profiles of @BibliotecaCoin and @CulturaCoin

What is the natural resources tax?

Since January 2021, the Coín City Council began to provide two new public services for greater sustainable development and environmental protection: wastewater treatment and composting of urban solid waste (garbage).

Study Help

Study grants for university students in Coín

These regulatory bases for aid to students residing in Coín enrolled in university studies for the 2021-2022 academic year, have the purpose of promoting the continuity of young people from the town to the University.

Applications and required documentation must be delivered to the City Hall in Plaza Alameda at the check-in counter.

The deadline for submitting applications is from May 5 to June 7, both inclusive.

Young leisure

Activities in Deporjuventud

Deporjuventud is a space for young people, where they can enjoy different games, as well as being used simply as a meeting and coexistence place.

Despite its recent reopening, numerous activities have already been carried out in these facilities, such as the celebration of a passage of terror on October 31 or the afternoon of board games.

On a permanent basis, its opening hours are Fridays from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. and activities are also planned at different times in response to the demand and requests of our young people.



WHAT IS IT? It is a Youth Care Service, created from the need for a more direct contact with youth, to be able to inform them from their own doubts and concerns.

WHAT IS THE OBJETIVE? Detect the risk before it appears, inform the youth from a position of equals. Mainly educate and inform about the real consequences of their behaviors.

HOW WILL WE WORK? It will continue the line of work that has been carried out up to now, and in cooperation with educational centers, carrying out both preventive workshops and educational talks.



Youth Card

If you are a holder of the Youth Card you can benefit from a multitude of goods and services in Spain and abroad at a preferential price. The Youth Card is valid in more than 40 countries, and with it you will enjoy discounts on everything that interests you: travel, leisure, culture, education, financial benefits...

Requirements to obtain your youth card: