

The work that this area develops translates into those actions and measures that contribute to the health of our city. For this reason, a continuous work of prevention and correction against pests is carried out through disinsection, deratization and disinfection actions. Likewise, both compliance with the Animal Protection Law is monitored to ensure their well-being and avoid situations such as mistreatment or inconvenience caused, as well as the control of abandoned animals, vectors of transmission of various diseases.

Waste and Cleaning

The Department of the Environment manages the collection of organic waste, recyclable fractions and construction and demolition waste. The service offered by the Coin Clean Point and street cleaning is also managed.
We are all responsible for the proper use of waste collection systems to maintain greater hygiene and cleanliness of our streets, so keep these questions in mind:

When can the garbage be deposited in the container?

Municipal Plan against Climate Change

The Coín City Council continues to work on its global strategy for sustainable development of the city and to comply with the CO2 reductions set by Europe. That is why the creation of what is known as the Joint Municipal Plan against Climate Change has already begun, through a company specialized in the matter.

This is a very participatory action in which the collaboration of all the agents involved in the matter, as well as the general public, will be taken into account.

Natural environment

The Department of the Environment of the City Council of Coín is responsible for developing actions to improve, conserve and protect the public forest, as well as the rest of the forest areas in the municipal area. This department promotes and encourages measures such as environmental awareness campaigns, preparation of plans to prevent forest fires, actions to encourage public use of the forest such as the Red de Senderos, regulating exploitation or organizing and supporting participatory repopulation.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability

From the City Council of Coín, through the Environment Area, the project and implementation of facilities and measures aimed at reducing the carbon footprint to fight against climate change, making Coín a more sustainable city, actions framed within the objectives and guidelines defined by the Spanish Network of Cities for the Climate and the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy, organizations whose purpose is to help local entities to slow down and adapt to climate change. Energy optimization projects cover different actions that are carried out in the municipality, such as:

Women's Information Center

What is the Women's Information Center?

It is a free service, which the City Council makes available to you, to inform you about the rights you have, where you can find an answer to your demands on issues related to women (legal assistance, training, employment, various activities...).

When to go to the Center?


The Coín City Council has revalidated the Educaciudad Award for the second time in 2017, a badge for a town committed to Education. This municipal commitment is endorsed by an outstanding track record of different educational and preventive programs -some of them with more than 25 years of history- developed by different councils of the City Council, with the valuable involvement of groups, schools, families and individuals.

Rural roads

The town of Coín has about 358 kilometers of rural roads, of which 270 are public roads and another 80 are private. Every year, the Coín City Council makes various investments to fix and improve this important network of roads.